Skilled Full-Stack Software Engineer with a strong foundation in front-end development utilizing React and a solid understanding of back-end technologies like Java and Python(Django). Passionate about contributing to innovative software development teams by applying technical expertise, problem-solving skills, and a keen eye for efficient, user-centric solutions. Proficient in Natural Language Parsing, Version Control, Debugging, and advanced React concepts.
C#Net/Core, AspNet MVC, Web API, Angular, React, jQuery, XML,
ADONet, EF Core, Fluent API, Fluent Validations
Microsoft Azure, Vault, Argo CD
Azure Functions, Azure Data Factory, Key Vault, Application
Application Insights, Azure SQL, Logic Apps, Service Bus
Pipelines and Terraform in Azure DevOps, Pipelines in GitLab
Git, Microsoft Team Foundation Server, Tortoise SVN
MS Test, xUnit
Microsoft Visio, Figma, Pencil, Mockup Screens
Sprint Planning, Backlog Management, Sprint Demos
SQL Server , PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL
MS Visual Studio 2019 and above, Visual Studio Code